We’re passionate about making your journey easy enough to thrive and feel confident in the industry!

Hi my name is Lucy!

I will be your mentor in your journey!

My journey getting into the industry had been crazy! Very different to most people’s! I am a professional photographer specialising in child, family and pet photography.

I started in the industry at just 18 years old. I started an apprenticeship in a studio, then moved on to starting my own business. Through the pandemic I decided that photography was what I was passionate about and wanted to start a career in it, though due to limited number of job applications and opportunities coming out, I found it hard to get somewhere. I eventually found 1 single job application and went for it. It wad hard and very stressful fighting for my position but with the knowledge I had taught myself and the skills under my belt, I had managed to beat everyone for this once in a lifetime spot.

Once I got in the industry, there were limitless opportunities to help you grow and thrive as a photographer, but from an outsides perspective, there were no help to get you in to the industry. I felt frustrated for others never had that sliver of an opportunity. I wanted to change that. Even after 4 years of being in the industry, talking to young students, there still hasn’t been any change. School not helping, other photographers turning a blind eye. I want to help and give back to people who helped a inspired young artist become her own boss and get to become a creative artist every day.

Interested in what I do?

Why not have a look at my work!

My Mission

“I aim to help young students grow and learn the skills and portfolio they need to advance themselves to not only join but be the best photographer in the industry“